Friday, 30 June 2017

Dual Personality

You might wonder why I am writing on Dual Personality instead of personality development. Personality development is part of your professional Carrier but Dual Personality concept is needed for life learning prospects. You really need to think if you have a dual personality with your friend and family. Let's first discuss dual personality concepts, then we can discuss on ways to come out from bad dual personality and convert into positive habits.

Dual Personality Concept

Dual Personality is a change in behavior with different people. Based on situation peoples behavior drastically change. In Dual Personality people try to hide his fault with someone. For example, many of us in school, college or office behave very cool, but once we come home to our behavior change drastically. We get angry, even if a small mistake from parents and sibling.

Another example, When we are in love with someone, then our behavior change drastically when he or she is with us. Many times we show off as a good person, but we are internally jealous too much. Everyone having Dual personalty may be in a different manner. We will discuss the first way to minimize bad dual personality, then also we will discuss the positive side of dual personality.

Minimized Dual Personality

Minimize Bad Dual Personality


Don't try to impress people by fake behavior. I am not blaming that our intention is bad, but many times we want to maintain relationship that's why we try to behave like that. Try to behave as what you are which will create permanent impression. Fake behavior surely caught somehow on someday.



Don't blame on the situation every time and treat obstacle as an opportunity. Don't behave differently to avoid something. Make habit to see the positive side of a bad situation.


Many times due to fear we create our dual personality. Let me give you a simple example, One child who doesn't like to read books, but his parents watch them due to fear he will act like he is reading. Many people in the office due to fear of boss try to act like he or she is working hard. If you live with fear and behave accordingly, then your life growth will not go beyond a certain level.Nice quote from Vivekananda ,
                      "Be not afraid of anything,You will do marvelous work.
                                 The moment you fear ,  you are nobody"




Sometime we want to retain our position or we want promotion in our office, sports or other place. For that we do show off and we try to behave which actually we don't have. I think no need to explain more on this you know more than me about this!! By doing this you might get temporary success, but if you want better success than don't chose this way. Instead of that just try to improve yourself continuously it will give you better success.

Positive Dual Personality

I think we cannot completely eliminate Dual Personality but we can convert that in a positive way. If you have a dual personality due to above four ways, then it's bad because your Goal is right but the way you chose is wrong. Then how shall we do?

We have dual personality when we try to change our self. But at the same time you should remember you are not changing yourself because of fear, position, situation or to impress someone. For Example, You have an addiction of smoking and after sometime you fall in love with someone and she doesn't like anyone smoke near by her. He is in love with her and he changes himself and stop smoking.If he did this thing to impress her then there is a possibility he can restart smoking after marriage. Instead of that he tries to change himself and stop smoking and not hide the truth in front of her. It will make a relationship strong for lifelong.

Make It Positive...



Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Engagement 2 Marriage

Most beautiful periods in life span are in between engagement to marriage. Many people called as "Golden Period". Its looks like you are very excited to read this topic!! Let's discuss more on that. Everyone has questioned what to gift him or her? What thing needs to take care in between marriage and engagement? On what topic we should discuss before marriage? I may not elaborate everything you expect from this topic. I will describe below points in details.

  • Gift for fiancee
  • Gift for fiance
  • Topic for discussion (on call or when you both meet each other)
  • Way to make strong bond between each other

Topic to discuss on call after engagement.Maintain relationship after engagement


Gift For Fiancee

  • Ring
  • Mug with her photo
  • Special video song (including her images)
  • Jewellery with attractive jewellery box(Give this in very special moment)
  • Photo frame (which is having special photo of both of you)
  • Watch  (Make sure you are giving girl watch not women watch)
  • Customized T-shirt (with thought or photo)
  • Mobile with customized cover. (with thought or photo)
  • Idol of her favorite god  ( For example: Radha krishna)
  • Belt
  • Purse
  • wallet
  • chocolate box
  • Book
  • Dress
  • Teddy Bear
  • Love Pillow

Gift For Fiance

  • Friendship bracelet
  • Handmade greeting card 
  • Ring
  • Belt
  • Wallet
  • Pen (printed with name)
  • Shoes (Preferably sports shoes)
  • T-shirt (with his photo)
  • Watch
  • Cloths (Ask him first then buy because boys are very specific in his choice of cloths)
  • Diary with customized cover.(Describe special moment inside and some blank page for him to write )
  • Laughing Buddha  (he can keep in office or home) 
  • Love Letter (Special feelings should be share by letter)

Topic for discussion on call or when you meet to each other

Every girl and boy have question that what we should talk on the call or while we meet each other in between engagement to marriage. I have some basic and extraordinary topic which will help you.

Basic Topic

  • Best moment of your life
  • Sad moment of your life
  • Best achievement
  • Hobby
  • Interest
  • Favorite sport
  • Favorite Song and Movie
  • Idol person of your life
  • Which book you like?

Extra Ordinary Topic

  • What your view on joint and nuclear family?
  • When you get feared?
  • Who is your idol person in your family?
  • What you like in me?
  • What change you want to see in me?
  • Describe  "Dream Home"

4.Way to make strong bond between each other

1.Good Listener

Try to be a good listener first, then do argument with your view.


Don't just talk about good things try to implement first. As per my observation people stay with you, They always observe your action not discussion.


 Don't expect everything from him/her.


This is also an important factor to make a strong bond with each other. Some people are too pessimistic they are neglecting this factor. Go for Movie, Shopping, Picnic, Tour...


Enjoyment is needed, But it is not more important than relationships. You need to compromise based on your economic situation. For example, In weekend if you go to a movie, then for shopping will go next week.

This blog will give you idea , finally you need to do things based on your feelings with each other.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Social Media Addiction

Do you know average eye blinking in a day? You will surprise, but it's 28,000 times per day. By this example, I want to say that there are few things which we are doing often, but we are not aware about that. Similarly, most of us are looking into a mobile screen in a day 1000 times, open lock of mobile 100 times and social media use 1 hour in a day. strange but true!! If you don't believe in me then there are a few apps available to check mobile usage, please check it. I have mentioned in title social media addiction, but I will also cover mobile Addiction.

Mobile Addiction

From My point of view social media and mobile usage addiction is more dangerous than smoking and drinking. Great quote from Swami Vivekananda "Anything exceed limits its poison". We are using mobile and social media more than actual requirement. Most of us are not aware that they are addictive of mobile and social media. Please observe yourself that, are you addicted? You may have questions how to observe or analyze myself. Please try to think on below list of questions, then I will tell You.

-When you wake up what things you check first?
-When you talk with a friend or family member where is your attention?
-When you are eating with one hand what is in your other hand?
-When someone from your family asks something to do and you don't like it. At that time what are you doing?
-When you go for tour what you see most?

 If answer of all above questions is mobile then definitely you have addiction of that. Let me explain you a little more on social media addiction.


Social Media Addiction

Extreme use of mobile

Did you notice that some of your post or tweet doesn't get more like or retweet you deleted those? Did you notice that without reading or seeing you have given like on another post? Did you notice that without reading the full message on whats app you have replied Emoji? When you last saw face to face your Facebook friend? When you are using social media your behavior is same as you are?
Now, You are thinking what to do? how we can come out of that? how we can use social media as per requirement? How to control extreme use of mobile? For every person solution may be little different. Let me describe your common medicine...

There are several way to decrease use of mobile and social media




Life without commitment is similar to a boat without captain then you never reach towards your Goal. Please ensure that you have certain commitments in life. For example, I will not use social media in office hour and will not spend time on mobile when I am with friends or family.



Keep Good habit like sports, reading and exercise. Fix your daily time schedule you spend for that and at that time keep yourself away from mobile.

3.Convert Into Income


The time you spent on social media covert  it into useful for income. Many people using social media for his YouTube channel, blog, website, SEO ranking and business marketing. If you are using daily 1 hour social media, then use at least 45 minutes as a professional. By this way actually your unnecessary time spent on the social media decrease.




Please keep in mind your priority. Before you spent time on social media think about your priority. For example, If you are a student then thinks have you finished your day to day work? Because the study is a priority when you are studying.


Don't bind yourself in limit. Try to learn or do new things in life, it will make you busy so you have less time for using social media.

6.Real World

We think that if we spent more time on social media, We will get more follower or like or comment and retweet. Look at schedule of people who are more popular in social media even they spent very less time in social media. Example, Narendra Modi, Justin Bieber, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Hope This Will Help....

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Generation Gap

Everyone has questions related to Generation Gap. Today we are facing one of the challenges that how we can decrease the Generation Gap? Most parents have questions that they are not able to match their thinking with their children. Many children have also concern their parents are rigid or they are not ready for any change in lifestyle. Generation Gap is creating issues for both parents and children. Who is responsible for Generation Gap? What is Generation Gap?

Decrease generation gap



Definition Of Generation Gap

As per my view Generation Gap is Gap of mutual understanding, thinking and lifestyle between different generation. Let's discuss more on this.


1.Mutual Understanding

As we all know our understanding is changing as we grow. There are different understanding of the same thing as we grow. When we were children at that time chocolate is everything for us, but now? When we complete graduation job is everything for us, but in old age? As time, change our understanding will change. Mutual understanding is understanding between two people and when both are from different generation it is difficult to maintain mutual understanding between them.

For example, Parents force children to focus on a study first while children interest is different. Parents will stick to their understanding that in childhood first priority is study and they will not try to understand his child interest and hobby. sometimes children who are in school they are coming from middle class family still they will spend too much money just to show off. They are not trying to understand the economic situation of his parents. This is just a basic example, there so many cases where issue between two generations due to lack of mutual understanding.



As per my view, our thinking will be based on what we read/watch/listen till now. That will be different for every generation.
For example, In childhood grand parents read/watch/listen Ramayana and Mahabharata and parents only Ramayana while child only Chota Bheem then definitely thinking will be different.


3.Life Style

Here Life style is in terms of technology we are using, work culture where we are working, education system where we are learning and relationships.

From last few decade changes in technology are exponentially increasing. The older generation are not able to adapt quickly They try, but once they able to adopt it's already changed to latest. For example, When simple mobile introduces to market an old generation of that time stick to landline. After some time they realize and they slowly adopt simple mobile technology. But by that time technology reach to touch screen mobile.

In a Technology old generation lagging but in relationship new generation is lagging. In every generation way to make relation changing. The older generation was like to make relation based on face to face conversion now days its replace with Facebook, wasp and other social media. That is directly impacting on bonding between two generations.
Work culture is also changing as generation change.Nowadays working hours increased but working days decrease.Why is it so?Most of people are working for only earning money not for interest.Due to this for them work is also burden and they work in pressure and need more rest.This may change in next generation.

Education system also change for every generation which will impact a lot for Generation Gap.


Way To Decrease Generation Gap

To decrease generation gap effort need from both Generation.based on my observation i will give different idea for both generation.

For Old Generation


As we all know every child is curious to know everything and every youth is curious to know about update in technology or other things. As an older generation if you want to match up thinking and lifestyle you need to maintain your curiosity which you already had in childhood or youth.

-Rational thinking

For the older generation it's challenging to keep a rational thinking because new generation will not blindly follow anything they will believe if they are intellectually convinced.

For New Generation

-Family Time

New generation spends much time on social media, then family and friends. If they spend more time with family than an automatic Generation Gap will decrease. just need to find time for family no any extra effort needed.


From my point of view maturity is not just information or understanding.Most of us feel that new Generation are very mature.But for me the definition of maturity includes not only information or understanding also feelings,emotion and intimacy with other person.New Generation has a combination of that then they have good mutual understanding with old generation and it will decrease Generation Gap.

For Both Generation


Trust is very important for both generations, they must need to trust each other. If you stick to your thinking and not accepting other generation idea, then it will not good. If you trust and do sharing of a good idea, then it will decrease Generation Gap. Old generation needs to accept new update and New generation need to learn from the experience of the older generation.

-Faith in self

Due to Generation Gap you need not think that you are wrong or you should not lose faith on you because it will ultimately increase Generation Gap.Please Keep faith in self.


Roommate  is someone with whom we share our room with out family relationships.Roommate is part of our bachelor life.when we are in hostel ...