Friday 30 June 2017

Dual Personality

You might wonder why I am writing on Dual Personality instead of personality development. Personality development is part of your professional Carrier but Dual Personality concept is needed for life learning prospects. You really need to think if you have a dual personality with your friend and family. Let's first discuss dual personality concepts, then we can discuss on ways to come out from bad dual personality and convert into positive habits.

Dual Personality Concept

Dual Personality is a change in behavior with different people. Based on situation peoples behavior drastically change. In Dual Personality people try to hide his fault with someone. For example, many of us in school, college or office behave very cool, but once we come home to our behavior change drastically. We get angry, even if a small mistake from parents and sibling.

Another example, When we are in love with someone, then our behavior change drastically when he or she is with us. Many times we show off as a good person, but we are internally jealous too much. Everyone having Dual personalty may be in a different manner. We will discuss the first way to minimize bad dual personality, then also we will discuss the positive side of dual personality.

Minimized Dual Personality

Minimize Bad Dual Personality


Don't try to impress people by fake behavior. I am not blaming that our intention is bad, but many times we want to maintain relationship that's why we try to behave like that. Try to behave as what you are which will create permanent impression. Fake behavior surely caught somehow on someday.



Don't blame on the situation every time and treat obstacle as an opportunity. Don't behave differently to avoid something. Make habit to see the positive side of a bad situation.


Many times due to fear we create our dual personality. Let me give you a simple example, One child who doesn't like to read books, but his parents watch them due to fear he will act like he is reading. Many people in the office due to fear of boss try to act like he or she is working hard. If you live with fear and behave accordingly, then your life growth will not go beyond a certain level.Nice quote from Vivekananda ,
                      "Be not afraid of anything,You will do marvelous work.
                                 The moment you fear ,  you are nobody"




Sometime we want to retain our position or we want promotion in our office, sports or other place. For that we do show off and we try to behave which actually we don't have. I think no need to explain more on this you know more than me about this!! By doing this you might get temporary success, but if you want better success than don't chose this way. Instead of that just try to improve yourself continuously it will give you better success.

Positive Dual Personality

I think we cannot completely eliminate Dual Personality but we can convert that in a positive way. If you have a dual personality due to above four ways, then it's bad because your Goal is right but the way you chose is wrong. Then how shall we do?

We have dual personality when we try to change our self. But at the same time you should remember you are not changing yourself because of fear, position, situation or to impress someone. For Example, You have an addiction of smoking and after sometime you fall in love with someone and she doesn't like anyone smoke near by her. He is in love with her and he changes himself and stop smoking.If he did this thing to impress her then there is a possibility he can restart smoking after marriage. Instead of that he tries to change himself and stop smoking and not hide the truth in front of her. It will make a relationship strong for lifelong.

Make It Positive...



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Roommate  is someone with whom we share our room with out family relationships.Roommate is part of our bachelor life.when we are in hostel ...