Sunday 16 April 2017

Fiance and Fiancee

It's very interesting topic for every young boy and girl!! Some time we confused with this two word and interchange while we pronounce. Let me clarify first that. Fiance is a boy engaged to be married. The fiancee is a girl engaged to married. As we all know they're two ways (arrange or love) to engage with someone. As per my view both ways are proper if we select each other based on some analytical thinking. Now, you have a question that what I mean by analytic thinking? Based on my analytical thinking I will try to help you to select a perfect life partner. There are different check for in both ways (arrange or love) to get engaged.

Arrange Marriage

In arranging the marriage process both families are involved from starting, That is why I have kept a different check for the love and arrange marriage. Let's focus on the main topic!!

Tips for boy and girl before engagement

A.Tips for a Girl at a time of Engagement

  • As a girl you need not to worry much about his friend circle, income and family environment because already your father/brother/mother have verified that.
  • When you meet him (obviously before engagement!!) try to check his thinking, behavior, attitude and look.
  • Most of times boy will ask you about what you want to do in future ??Please clarify what you really want to do. (study or job or whatever)
  • I will advise you don't share personal problem with him in first meet, because you don't know how he is. Some times it may create issues for families.
  • You can share your thought on family, study, job or hobby it will be a better option for discussion. First hears him than share your thought.

B.Tips for a Boy at a time of Engagement

First of all don't expect perfection or dream girl. (looks at you if you are perfect, then expecting!!) Generally there are trade of in below the point.

  • Education
  • Nature
  • Look
  • Attitude
  • Thinking

Don't ask too many questions and give her chance to share her view. Ask about her view on family, study or hobby.

Love Marriage

As per my view first check that you both have love with each other not just attraction. Many times we consider attraction to each other as a love. Attraction can be due to knowledge, Money, Look or Attitude.
For example, If you have attracted to the flower you will pluck it up. But, if you love, then you will give water daily to plant.
First check that you both are true friend of each other. You can read my blog topic "Friend" to get more idea on true friend.
Few Tips:
  • Check your life partner behavior with the waiter when you go for lunch/dinner in hotel.
  • Invite your life partner in family events and look at his/her reaction with your family.
  • Spend time with friends' circle of your life partner.
  • Try to understand each other thoughts, feeling and like/dislike.
  • Be ready for adjustment and compromise for your love. Because we all know before marriage all things are in theory, but after marriage, it is all about practicality.

All the best...

Tuesday 11 April 2017


Family is not just a group of people who living together, But it's a group of people who think, care and love to each other. Members of a family are like fingers of hand if they co-operate each other they are strong but if they not then they are weak. To make our family stronger mutual understanding between each other is very important. I have observed that people who living in Joint family more happy than the nuclear family. I have asked some of my friends who live in nuclear family they prefer to live in joint family. Why everyday number of joint families are decreasing? My thinking is if you have problem to live in joint family you will also face similar problems in a nuclear family. Family means more than one person either it's joint or nuclear. My question is how to make the family (joint or nuclear) relation perfect ?

How To Make Family Relation Perfect?

There are too many factors which can make our family relation perfect, But I will try to cover most dominating factor. Let me explain you one by one.


Adjustment , compromise ,care  and love is base of any family


1.  Generation Gap

As per My view in family relation you must understand the generation gap concept. For every generation thinking process, energy and understanding are different. For Example, Let's say your family need to give water to a tree which is near to your home (200m) and you have a bucket and small tub to complete that process. When you will ask your children to do that task, They will fill the tub from the bucket and give water to trees and they will continue that process till bucket will be empty. When you did that task at that time you will pick up a bucket and give water to the tree. When you asked for your parents at that time they will pick up a bucket and while going towards tree they will take rest 1-2 times in between them, they will give water to the tree. They will not instill full bucket, but whatever really needed for tree and reaming water they will bring back in the bucket. In the above example, you can understand the concept of the generation gap.  Please keep this thing in mind and behave accordingly When you are with your family.

2. Let Go Attitude

As per my view we should keep our ego outside of our home and enter into a family with let go approach. I know it's easy to say but difficult to follow, But we have to start!!! Try to adjust yourself with another family member behavior. Please avoid to change other family member behavior or nature because it's internal process nobody can force and change. Every time don't give suggestion, but try to implement first.

3. Spend Time

Every family member should spend enough time with family. You believe or not, but it will give energy and zeal to you. It' not enough to just create a group in What's App "my sweet family" but we need to spend time with family. Try to take dinner or lunch together everyday. Plan a picnic or tour with family and try to avoid taking too many selfie and photo.!!

4. Discussion

If you have doubt regarding anything with you any of family members. Just discuss with him/her and clarify it. Many times relation breaks due to miss understanding, It is better to discuss and find solutions together. Sometime you did mistake, then don't hide the truth with your family member. For Example, You fail in some exam or You lose money in business or stock market.

5. Ethics

In one of the points I have mentioned about to let go attitude, but it does not mean you compromise on basic family ethics. Example, In your family if in daily routine all members come before 10:00PM then if someone come later in some day, then they should inform before or explain proper reason later. Every family should update basic ethics as time change. But no compromise in basic ethics.


Roommate  is someone with whom we share our room with out family relationships.Roommate is part of our bachelor life.when we are in hostel ...